Friday, March 18, 2011

Treatment decision, what is the right thing to do ?

I personally feel that the most difficult thing for cancer patient is to make the right decision for treatment.
As the right decision will make a good start .
The right doctor ; right type of treatment ; right drug is all very very crucial and important .
Therefore, patient should not be too panic and rush in for treatment that they do not know or do not aware of the risk , side effect and what to expect after the treatment.
Most of the time, doctor will rush patient to proceed for treatment ( surgery or radiation or chemo ) as soon as all the scan and biopsy report ready and confirm it is cancer .
In some cases, patient been ask to proceed surgery by surgeon without refering to oncologist for proper treatment assessment.
In my personal opinion and non medical view, I think that the right person to assess a cancer patient and finalise the right treatment with the patient , should be the oncologist. As they are the expert or specialist in medical field for cancer treatment.
My suggestion to all cancer patient or their care taker is to check on the information of cancer in , to understand what is cancer and to have the guidance of what to ask, when meet up with the doctor or oncologist .
Get prepare and be ready to have a proper discussion with doctor/oncologist to ask and understand all question you have in mind, before making your final treatment decision.
meantime, I also suggest patient to atleast get a second opinion , or , if finacially affordable, then, get third or fourth opinion, before start treatment.
Singapore is very near to us and most of the oncologist in Singapore ready to give second opinion .
If the patient is very sick and in very serious condition , where immediate surgery needed to remove tumour, patient should proceed with it without fail.
But, for most of the patient, body condition is still good and therefore, it is not really have to make immediate decision.
When I am diagnosed with cancer, it took me about a month to start my treatment. Doctor told me that the cancer tumour is not there over few days, it take many years for the cancer cell to grow until it can be shown up in Xray , CT scan or PET scan .
I pray that Lord will bless us with wisdom and guide us always, especially during the time when we need him to guide us to find a good hospital , good doctor and the best treatment option .

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