Sunday, November 11, 2012

Feel better .

Overall feel better and manage to finished some outstanding issues today .

Tomorrow morning will proceed for blood test, chemo appointment on Wednesday 14th .

I am praying for a good blood report where Hemoglobin , RBC , WBC all back to normal level , and a good decrease of CEA reading.

Missed driving , as it is about a month now, I am not driving .

Meantime, breathing is not getting better for upto today, for a short walk distance, it is fine for me, but, walking on slope or shopping, it is a no no for me at this moment, so, I arrange to buy a wheel chair to keep in the car, so that, if I follow my family to shopping, it'll help .

Believe and have FAITH .

God Bless .


  1. Finally, a lung cancer blog that admits there is a God and it is His will and we must trust! Thank you so very much. I will pray for you. God Bless you.

  2. Mel , thks .
    It is his blessing , healing and daily guidance keep us continue this journey without worry/ fear . Praise the Lord .
    Thks for praying for me .
    God bless .
