Saturday, November 5, 2011

Convetional or Alternative treatment for 4th stage cancer

Debate of whether should go for conventional or alternative treatment never end .
So, the best is leave it to the patient to make the decison , as patient should have the right to decide and they know best of what they want .
We, as family member or friend, should do is to share information we gather and support the final decision of the patient .
There is no right or wrong in the decision of treatment , since no one can assure the patient for cure , be it conventional or alternative.
For me, I choose conventional treatment with special monitoring that allow me to watch and wait, once condition stable .
What I want is a stable condition and quality of life .
But, I will not insist on other patient to follow what I am doing , as every patient health condition is different .
Some are with fast growing cancer cell, so, they need to continue with the tretament without stop.
Some are dealing very well with the chemo and do not have serious side effect, so, they are living with quality of life, even on treatment.
Some react badly and with serious side effect, so, they loss quality of life, thefore, they choose to stop treatment and look for alternative treatment.
Some have very bad impression of conventional treatment and since there is no assurance of curing , they decide to only use alternative treatment.
Some been told by doctor that even with conventional treatment , they only can live for less than 6 months, or , if they are lucky, maybe a year, so , they decided not to go ahead and just live their life and enjoy the rest of the days with their family, then, they take some supplement or alternative treatment as support.
What we can do is pray for them, support them, show them our love ; care , be their listener , help to gather information to share with them ( but, not insist or forcing them to accept our thoughts)
May Lord bless us with wisdom in helping patient who need our support , care and love .
God bless .

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