Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It happen and we should accept it.

Last month I lost a friend of stage 4 lung cancer and this month I lost another one , and just receive a msg that another cancer warrior may leave soon and all depends on his fight and condition.

Lord will receive two of them home and glad that they are no more suffering with the small 'c' anymore , and may Lord bless their family and lead them to walk their life that Lord want us to live.

This is life . It did make us feel upset when receive the news, but, we should not let the feeling with us for too long.

Pray to Lord to bring us back and lead us to share our life with others who's there waiting for us .

I have decided to go back to Chinese doctor medication and the theraphy, it is not the natural theraphy not good, but, it's not easy to follow and it make me feel very tired . So, I decided that I should stop it and get back to my normal arrangement .

I am not sure whether what I decide is right or wrong , but, I believe that with Lord , everything is possible .

But, there is some good infor I learn from the natural theraphy , I will continue with it .

Whatever is it, what I need is to continue my life wih quality and relax as when as I can , therefore, any theraphy that going to give me too much restriction in daily life and going to make me too tired to follow, I should think about it , anyway, it is only my opinion.

May Lord bless all of us with good health and joyful mood .

God bless .

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